  • Sean Cragin

Smart Building Security Cameras

There are many benefits for a Building Site Surveillance, in addition to boosting security. The presence of a security camera can possibly help settle time-consuming disputes with customers and police, as well as encouraging productivity during the workday. Increasing security is like having another set of eyes that are on 24 hours a day 7 days a week to make sure everyone feels safe. We offer security cameras that have facial recognition and license plate detection. There are options to have an on-site recording or cloud-based recording. So even if your building is broken into and they steal the recorder, you still have the video evidence of the crime committed.

Not all cameras are made the same. Analog cameras have been a long staple in the CCTV industry, but like most technology, it has grown to be obsolete compared to new IP camera technology. The downfalls of analog cameras include frame rate, image quality, a lower field of view, and no encryption that leaves a system vulnerable to hacking. Most CCTV companies do not install IP cameras due to the proficiency it takes to program. Benefits for IP cameras include increased system security and better picture quality than most tv's. Furthermore, IP cameras have the ability to have intelligence and analytics software that include facial recognition, people counter, object tracking, license plate reader, and the ability to work with smart buildings. It can take as many as six analog cameras to view the same area as one IP camera. IP Cameras are a prime example of how technology advances to connect and better secure our world.

There are many add-ons IP camera can have. The most common is zone and object tracking, which can be used to square off an area in the picture or follow objects that are picked up. When someone or an object crosses into the line, it can be set to record or to alert the system. Night vision that turns night into day. Facial recognition that can be used to alert personnel of an unwanted person is on the property. By programming PTZ (Pan–Tilt–Zoom) cameras to track motion and record. Cloud based storage can be used with IP cameras for off site backup recordings.

IP Security Cameras can be integrated within our system for live feeds of cameras to be used to monitor employees and securing your building. Our user interface can be set up for one user to view one camera or multiple and not be able to see other cameras that may contain sensitive information. By setting up user permissions, one can only see and control what you want them to. With conjunction, access control and security systems, IP security cameras are a perfect feature for any smart building.

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